- Home
- Staff
- Pastor: Rev. Daniel Garrett
- Lay Leader / Financial Secretary: Randy Ruble
- Youth Director / Youth Board: Jeannie Garrett
- Treasurer & Associate / Youth Board: Katy Mitchell
- Youth Treasurer / Board & Pianist: Elizabeth Belcher
- Director of Music: Lee Anne Lester
- UMW President: Rachel Nutter
- Ministries
- About Us
- Prayer
- Member Area
- Sermons
- "The Forgotten Man"
- "I Am"
- "All Your Mite"
- "Can You Feel the Love"
- "Barriers"
- "Almost Heaven"
- "Turn Around"
- "I'm on Fire"
- "Less Talk, More Action"
- "How Do You Want It"
- "Try a Little Tenderness"
- "We are Family"
- "All I Need is a Miracle"
- "Peaceful, Easy Feelimng"
- "Diggin Up Bones"
- "I Wanna Know WHat Love Is"
- "Not A Second Hand Empotion"
- "What's Love Got to DO With It"
- "Embrace Divinity"
- "In the Light"
- "Who Did Jesus Die For"
- "Are You Ashamed"
- "Rescue Story"
- "He is There"
- "Soar"
- "The Fight"
- "Stubborn Camels"
- "What Will You Give"
- "Are We There Yet"
- "Wait"
- "Jesus Jugging"
- "Come Home"
- "Encourage Part 2"
- "Encourage"
- "Retaliation or Rescue"
- "Why We Fight"
- "Kingdom Fruits"
- "What it Means"
- "It's Not Fair"
- "Go Against the Norm"
- "Transformed Not Conformed"
- "I Forgive You"
- "Feed Them"
- "Freedom from Fear
- "Wheat or Weeds"
- "The Yoke"
- "The Meanest Member"
- "Discipleship"
- "Storms"
- "Follow Me"
- "Peace"
- "With Strings Attached"
- "Divided Houses"
- "Cheatin' Heart"
- "Troubled Hearts"
- "The Shepherd"
- "Tremors"
- "When Shadows Aooear"
- "Chosen"
- "Wake Up Sleeper"
- "Between a Rock and a God Place"
- "What Is A Blessing"
- "Glory"
- "Let It Go"
- "Salty and Bright"
- "Blessed Are"
- "Get IN the Way"
- "We Have What We Need"
- "Come On In"
- "New Year, New Faith"
- "Your Wilderness"
- "Fantasy or Vision"
- "Learn, Unlearn, Relearn"
- "Who Is Your King"
- "Warning"
- "Renew"
- "Gratitude and Grace"
- "Four Types of Faith"
- "Pursuit"
- "The Sure Thing"
- "Wake Up"
- "Choose Life"
- "Come Back Home"
- "Mystery of the Door"
- "Do You Like Sour Grapes"
- "The Ripple"
- "Hallowed"
- "The Better Part"
- "Our Neighbor"
- "Our Identity"
- "Halfway Isn't the Easy Way"
- "Be a Godly Dad"
- "One, Two, Three"
- "Go Forth"
- "Standing Around"
- "The Peace of Jesus
- "Sacrificial Love"
- "Why Praise the Lamb"
- "Seeing Isn't Believing"
- "Dark, Dawn, Light"
- "The Arrival"
- "Honor"
- "What Will You Do"
- "Stay Focused and Dance"
- "When We Fail"
- "Begin Again"
- "Transfigured"
- "The Way"
- "Conquerors"
- "Faith Hopping"
- "You're Not Alone"
- "Hungry Heart"
- "Obedience"
- "Humble Yourselves"
- Bulletins
- Photos